Changing Lives of Those with Diabetes… And the Power of History Taking
Making a real impactful difference in someone’s life who is living with Diabetes requires a multidisciplinary and holistic approach. One can not have an automated list of questions and they can not streamline their thought and decision making process.
The presentation:
compares and contrasts type 1 and type 2 diabetes with regard to the physiology, impact on lifestyle and current management.
reviews the relevance of extensive history taking and interpretation of blood test results to maximise patient care.
Explores a different approach to understanding patients with diabetes and reveals the ‘in-between the lines’ meanings of responses and non-responses from patients.
reviews the current guidelines for review and referral for patients with diabetic retinopathy
Diabetes and the Eyes… Beyond the Retina
The retinal complications of diabetes are well recognised by optometrists, however the effects on the ocular surface and other structures are often not given the same level of attention and understanding.
The presentation:
addresses the effects of diabetes on the ocular surface; epithelial fragility and poor wound healing;
discusses corneal neuropathy and its correlation with peripheral neuropathy, the increased risk of infections and persistent corneal erosions;
explains why and how those with diabetes can develop cataracts earlier;
demystifies the correlation between diabetes and glaucoma risk
Uncovering & Managing the Unspoken Truths of Diabetes in the Consult Room
Diabetes Mellitus is a growing epidemic in Australia and around the world. With diabetic retinopathy being the leading cause of blindness among working adults in the world, something has to shift in our behaviour and approach as eye care professionals to turn this around.
The presentation:
revisits and compares the different types of diabetes and their respective management protocols;
reveals the confronting day to day challenges as well as the progressive complications for those with diabetes that eye care professional may not know but NEED to know;
discusses how to mould history taking to gain maximum relevant information ensuring thorough patient care;
sets and outlines a new approach to co-management with ophthalmologists and other healthcare professionals; ensuring a holistic and inclusive patient care plan.
Optometry… Career Crossroads
The ever evolving nature of Optometry and the increase in graduates can often be overwhelming for both the new graduate and the experienced? Will I find a position? Will I be replaced? Are these the only career options within the industry?
The presentation:
explores the diverse range of career opportunities in Optometry and Ocular Health disciplines
discusses both hard and soft skills required to break through into the corporate and managerial domain
uncovers the traits required to unlearn habits and acquire new approaches for success and satisfaction
outlines practical steps that can be implemented immediately to open opportunities and unlock potential.
Diabetes… Where are we heading and the Impact of Optometrists
Changing statistics, continual treatment advances and new research projections- Diabetes management is complex and dynamic, which means we can’t afford to not keep up to date with revelations and findings because to stop- means to fall behind.
The presentation:
addresses the prevalence and future direction of diabetes and diabetic retinopathy
reviews the risk factors for the development of diabetic retinopathy and eye related complications
reviews the role of optometrists in collaborating with health practitioners and specialists to minimise risk of eye related complications
reviews the rising treatment options available and the significant role of optometrists in contributing to the decision making.